“I have heard many stories of women. That is my job. It is also my job to share with them words that empower them. To give them hope and to help the restart their life. It is not an easy job. It requires extra strength on my part. Every day I meet these women, listen to what they have to say, listen to their stories of abuse and violence from their men at home. And every day, it feels like my heart is going to explode. There came a time when I just could not sleep. I was not eating properly. I was getting depressed by the day. My husband even asked me if I have thought of leaving the job. You see, I am one of the lucky ones. My husband has always been good to me and my children. Although, we do have the occasional husband-wife quarrel we understand and care for each other. And he tells me that what I am doing is noble. But my heart is filling up fast and I am afraid it might tear. I have drunk enough tears. Sometimes, I think I must quit. But the women whom I have met come in my dreams. They tell me not to abandon them. So I continue my fight. Although I feel like giving up hope sometimes, I see how these women are still fighting in a plight like theirs, and that gives me the strength to continue.”
SoN X Apeiron in Nepal