Ajay Malik Janakpur

“We were four friends going back home after a long day at work. Thirsty, we went inside a road-side teashop and drank water from the jug. The owner came towards us angrily and started yelling. ‘You are Doms, why are you drinking water from the jug?’ Normally, I stay quiet and leave during such a situation but that day I could not. I told the man that even though he may not accept us, he had to look at the color of his blood. Then he will know the truth that we are all equal. But the man was not willing to listen. He said, ‘Do not lecture me. Go away from here and do not come back again. My customers will not like you Doms visiting my shop’. Even though I felt angry, I also felt good that I and my friend had not kept silent. But that is just one incident. There are many. Ask Father, he has many to share too. These things still happen today. It is not just that man but the entire society. Do I fight with everyone all day? Everyone who offends me? I cannot. I cannot live with such tension all my life. So, many times I just listen with one ear and let go from another. But they keep on saying, ‘Why sit with a Dom? Why engage with a Dom?’

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