Gatlang Rasuwa
“When I turned 19, I was given away against my will. But every chance I got I would run back home. My husband would come and take me forcefully and I would run back to my house. I did not like him but my relatives gave me away and I had no other option than to live with him. With him, there was never peace. He would drink heavily and I suffered every day. I was tired and one day I decided to leave him. I moved to this village and married another man. I soon found out that he had another wife and children. Recently, he had gone to see his first wife up in the hill. The next day I got the news that he had hanged himself. I have been crying ever since. I am left with no one except for my children. This world has given me a lot of tears but every day I pray that my children will see happiness. I have a lot of hope for my children. Today, I am only living because of this hope.”
SON X Apeiron in Nepal