Raju Khadka Kuwait
“I believe in Karma. We have abused the earth too much and she is teaching us a lesson. We are all participants in the deaths and suffering that is going on right now. Every person that dies and unnatural death has something to do with our actions as humans. But do we just give up on the good that is still left in us or do what is best for people around you? I try to choose the latter. So I told my friend who runs a pharmacy back home that selling those masks for an extra margin at such times is inhumane. He might get the virus and then there will be no mask for him when he needs it. I told him he should be giving it for free and if not then at a reasonable price. I told him the masks are on me. “Give it for free and I will send you all the money”. A few days later I heard he was giving away the mask for free. Sometimes people just need to be told. Sometimes they just need a little push to find their humanity. I called my brother home and told him not to hoard. I told him just to buy the bare essentials for a week. And not buy cylinders after cylinders of cooking gas. There are so many people in this world that do not have the luxury and the privilege to even to quarantine and isolate. We cannot be selfish. There is Karma. And Karma has been good to me so far. I am here away from home and my family but I have found a home in the company of people who have no biological relation with me. We are just bound by our desire to continue living and a longing for a better future.”