“I studied agriculture on government scholarship. Rs. 5000 a month for three years. After I finished my vocational training, I wanted to go abroad. I applied to Norway but my visa got rejected. Then I applied to Finland. There too, I got rejected. My cousin who was in the UK suggested I apply to UK. So I did. I got rejected there too. By this time I was tired. I had spent a lot of time and over 5 lacs for the visa processing. One day, a friend told me that the Australian visa was easy and if I had the proper documents, I would certainly get the visa. I compiled all the documents in the visa checklist and submitted my application. I was rejected again while my friend got the visa. I was really frustrated and didn’t know what to do. There was talk in the air that the Japanese visa was easy to get. I thought one last time. When I applied there were 43 applicants. 42 were granted the visa and are currently in Japan except one.”
– Virodh Giri, Lalmatiya 8, Dang, Met him in Mangalbazar