“Father had bought a new sickle from Gorkha Bazaar. I must have been 11. I was excited that I would be taking that sickle to the forest to collect firewood. Before I left, father had told me, ‘Don’t you return home without that sickle. I have paid extra for it.’ As soon as we reached the forest, I had climbed up a tree and started cutting dried up branches. As I was doing so, the sickle flew away and I was left with just the handle in my hand. I and my friends spent two hours searching for it but could not find it. I remember that I sat down under that tree and cried for quite some time. I was afraid and I did not know how to answer my father. It’s amazing that we keep emotional memories inside of us, more than we do of events. ”
What did you father say to you when he found out?
“I never told him and he never asked.”
– Narayan Bhatta, Thamel, Kathmandu, From Masel 7, Gorkha