“I bring my animals to the national park for three months and I live with them. I receive a permit from the army for herding in the park which costs 10 rupees per buffalo. The grass in these meadows are rich with minerals. Pastures are dwindling in lower altitudes and there are too many rocks and cliffs. We have been herding here for generations. And I am happy that after the formation of the reserve we are still allowed to use these meadows. The sheds that our forefathers constructed are still here and still strong. So once we get here, we don’t have to worry about shelter for us and our animals. The animals graze here for three months and gain weight, breed and then give more milk, which fetches us good money when we go back. So days are just spent running after the animals, taking them out every morning and bringing them back every night. Watching and wondering how everyone is created, how the grass is for the animals and how the animals are for us. The moon has a purpose of its own and so does the sun.” (Johori Rawal from Kanda 1, Bajura. Met him in Khaptad National Park) #StriveStruggleThrive