“When I was young, father would tell me not to cry over little things, over what did not work out for me. I always tried to have a positive outlook on life. I always knew that my problems were short-lived but I would be happy when they were gone. But no person will want his happiness to end, but that also happens. For me happiness never meant the riches, it was the extra handful of corn or a second serving of rice or a few extra pieces of meat that mother would put in my plate without me asking. It was all those friends and relative who gathered during Loshar and danced and laughed. Today, my children have grown and there is food on the table for all of us, my wife is with me and I can still walk to the voting booth. And a city boy is taking my picture. What other happiness would I look for?” (Buddhi Bahadur Tamang, Besisahar, Lamjung)