Bishnu Maya Bhandari Dhampus 7, Kaski
(2/2) “It took me a few years to move on from the hurt. One day, I took a deep breath and decided I was not going to waste my life and become what mother wanted me to be. I decided that I was going to train myself in a skill that would keep me busy, away from my own despair. I learnt to cut and sewing for a few months. By then I lost all desire to continue with my education. Maybe I could have passed my exams this time but I had given up. At 23, I got married. My husband was good enough to allow me to learn about community health care. To tell you now, I wanted to work in the health sector and maybe become a doctor one day. But since that never happened, working as a female community health worker in my village felt rewarding. I was serving the community in my own way. Though my dream to become a doctor never came true, my dream to be able to serve the community did. And today, I am happy to live with that.” #elevateddreams in collaboration with Trek To Teach.