“When I was young and had enough blood in my bones, maybe half a century ago, I drove one-horse carriages in Delhi. I remember this beautiful brown horse, slim and tall. She came with one of the carriages that my master offered me. She was very sick. At first she could hardly carry any weight. I took proper care of her for several weeks like my own child and eventually nursed her back to health. I fed her butter and chickpeas. Butter was expensive and many a nights, I would stay hungry but I made sure she ate full stomach. When my master saw the horse regain full strength, he took her to the races. On one occasion, she beat one of the strongest horse and won a silver horse statue. With everything that I have been through in life, that day was probably the most happy I have felt.”
– Purna Chandra Sharma, Met him near Nagarpalika Butwal, Rupandehi