For the last two months, I have been travelling to various districts in Nepal, talking to people and listening to their stories. These stories are humbling accounts of great hardships and difficulties, of generations of struggles, but also stories of great hopes and aspirations and triumphs over a chronic lack of opportunities. These stories were a part of a special collaboration with theWorld Bank Nepal in its efforts to understand the enduring challenges of improving the lives and living standards of Nepalis. I have been sharing these stories with you in a series called STRIVE. STRUGGLE. THRIVE.
I would like to thank everyone for actively participating in these stories, for all you messages, comments and emails. To witness such compassion for a fellow human being is life changing and hopefully we all will take something from these stories and play our role as Nepalese and as global citizens to address the social ills that mar many communities in Nepal, even today. For the next several months my aim will be to take these stories back to the good people who let me into their lives, through friends and contacts I have made.
I will also be taking a very short break from the blog to spend time with my family. Will be back soon. Love and hugs.