This morning I have been sorting stories from the blog, laughing a few laughs, shedding a few tears, and truly being inspired by the stories I have heard and shared here. It’s been over two years of non-stop adventure, not knowing who I will come across and what stories I will encounter. When I submitted pictures to The Kathmandu Post, it was disheartening to let go of a few stories because of the limit as only so much could be printed. So I am contemplating a book, a juvinile thought that somehow these stories will manifest in a physical form and people will buy. And possibly if it sells, I can go back to these amazing storytellers with help. I don’t know. But for now just sharing with you all what was published in The Kathmandu Post, Saturday before I embark on yet another journey to discover real Nepal.
Stories of Nepal : Reflections
“2015 has been an tragic and eventful year for Nepal—from the earthquake, the Tarai-Madhes andolan to the Indian blockade. Stories of Nepal: Reflections is a collection of photo stories from the blog Stories of Nepal that reflects on the past year through personal stories of sorrow, redemption, hope, resilience and life in general from around the country.”