“I have spent my entire life on the highway as a bus driver. The moment I got in my seat and had the steering in my hands, I felt some sort of power. And for many years I drove. Good roads and bad roads. Many turns through cliffs and hills. I gave rides to many people who had lost their way. We spoke of life as we travelled. I had only the road to talk about. But I had to stop driving. A mental disease started giving me many problems. And I have lost that power I possessed once. My body heats up and I faint. I am unable to focus on the road. I knew that if I continued to drive I would die of an accident. I love my life and I have a family so I stopped. But I cannot be anywhere else except the road, where would I go? This is where I have been all my life. Even though, I have stopped driving, every opportunity I get, I board my friend’s truck and travel with him. These roads are my home.” (Khilnath Bhandari, Chapiya, Rupandhehi)