Stories of Nepal is joining hands with Save the Children in Nepal to raise awareness among the general Nepali population about RACE for Survival (October 18) – a 5 km marathon inside Kathmandu valley where 1000 students between the ages of 14 – 16 from various public schools will take part. RACE for survival is held with the objective of engaging children to raise their voice to reduce preventable newborn, infant and child deaths. This is an international event where thousands of children around the world will RUN to raise awareness among the general population on preventable child deaths under the age of five.
I am supporting this cause because it’s important to me. I have witnessed my two cousin sisters die because of malnutrition. No child deserves to die like that. I will also be sharing a few stories of the participating children and relevant personal stories on issues surrounding newborn, infants and child deaths.
For more information on RACE for survival and to download the toolkit go to http://www.savethechildren.net/raceforsurvival/