“My father built this house more than half a century ago. It was a good house. Even the bricks were handmade, using the clay of this land. The woods cut with axes and saw. Too much sweat and blood has been invested in building this house and making it a home. I was born here and my brothers and sisters too. I walked my first steps in this house. We all would go to school from here. I got married here and my children were born here. I remember as a child, we used to wait by the window, turn on the radio and wait for it to play. The sun would set and sharp at 5 the radio would start. The meant it was time for my parents to return home from the fields. Everyday, we would eagerly wait for the sun to set and the radio to start playing. I remember father say that the radio cost NRs.1700/. That money could buy 2 ropani of farmland back then. It was quite an investment for that time. The memories have become more vivid after the earthquake. I have lost the house and I cannot even find that radio.” (1/3) (Sashi Kumar Dhungana, Bakreldi, Panchkhal 4, Kavre)