Sulekha Devi Sada Kanchanroop 5, Saptari
“I have seen mother break stones, carry weight heavier than her body and never tire. I have seen her pass out in exhaustion at the end of the day. Even then, she would make sure both my brothers were full and comfortable to sleep. She never had any money kept aside. It was the daily wages that she made that paid for the needs of my school. When I had no pen, chalk or papers, she would get it for me. After that, she would buy me a uniform so that the teacher did not beat me. One day she came home with a bicycle and said, “Now, you will reach school on time and you will not miss a lesson.” That day, I cried because I could somehow understand and feel the pain she had to endure to get me a bicycle. She never said anything about it. With a straight face, she just asked me to do well in school and be happy. That day, I became stronger in my heart. That day I felt like I could do anything and achieve anything. I day I vowed I will give my mother all the happiness I can.”