Patawari Kuchbandiya Janaki GP 3, Banke
“Grinding wheels do not sell anymore. The farmers have plotted their land and now instead of grains, there are buildings. Instead of carts, there are motorbikes. For those who can afford it life becomes easier. For those of us who cannot afford it makes no difference. For those of us who rely on salt, stones, soil and water it makes things worse. The women go calling on households with their hammers to service grinding stones are told they are not needed. The electric mixture has come to replace their tools rendering their jobs obsolete. The ropes we made to tie buffaloes are said to be weak. It was made of vines and hay. The plastic ones, the ones you buy in a shop are stronger. And now they have replaced the ropes we make. This development is for people who can afford it. While our lives are in turmoil. We are losing our livelihood.”
Stories of Nepal x ICCO Cooperation South Asia X European Union in Nepal