Babu Lal Mukhiya Hanumnagar, Kankalni NP 1, Saptari
“The water level rises during the months of Shrawan and Bhadra. During that time, I understand my fear. I have seen many fishermen return home with injuries. And unable to work their lives become difficult. And out of fear, some have even stopped rowing the boat. I can also understand my wife’s fear. She is afraid that I might not return home in the evening. Every time, I stop to enter the water, I call upon the name of Goddess Koshi and she takes away my fears. It is a risky work because sometimes gods and goddesses do not listen. They are not there to save you but to punish you. Sometimes there are some good humans who come to save you. So the only difference between fish and human that I see is that we die inside the water and they die outside water.”