“I look after the forest. I love the plants, trees and animals who live in the forests. And when I am entrusted with something I try to fulfil my duties with utmost sincerity. How does one eat well, how does one sleep at night if one does not do so? But I have also been facing a strange dilemma. I am told by the Sirs not to allow the villagers to collect thatch straw from the forest. The villagers are poor and the sons of many have left for the cities with their wives and children. These are lonely people, feeble and innocent. I cannot watch them die wet and cold. So, god forgive me, I allow them to enter the forest so that they can collect thatch straw for their leaking roofs. I do not know what is right and what is wrong. I try to do things by the book but the rules in them sometimes oppress the poor. So I follow my heart. Every poor man and every poor woman deserves a thatched roof over their head.”