Samala BiKa Bhimeswor 2, Dolakha

“If I had chosen to go to school, my sisters would have to work at home. I made a sacrifice for them. I chose to truly understand the scarcity at home. Maybe my sisters would have too but I decided not to wait to participate in the problems of the household. I did not wait for my turn to come or for someone in the family to tell me. I just started doing housework. So I would wake up earlier when everyone would be sleeping and finish all the house chores. I would go to work in the fields for planting and harvesting and storing. Because of this, my sisters who are younger than me were able to continue with school. Although I sometimes feel that I have missed out on an opportunity, I find solace in seeing my sisters talking about school and the lessons they have learned. I find happiness is providing food when they return home hungry. I find happiness in unfolding the corners of their books and tidying up their bags. They do not know the sacrifices I have made but mother does and I think she cries for me. I tell her not to worry. But to have a mother who understands my feeling is a relief. We all need at least one person who will cry for you.”

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