Kajal Devi Sada & Manju Devi Sada Kanchanroop 5, Saptari
“Sometimes mother finds work and goes away until sundown. When she returns home she hands me the money she has made during the day. She tells me to save it for my son, for when he grows older. For times of emergency. Her love is not only towards her grandson. Mother also treats my husband as her own son. For he has also lived a life of an orphan. Mother knows how it feels to not have parents whilegrowing up. That is why she takes care of all of us and keeps the family together. But I am worried about her. She does not take good care of herself. Maybe it is her age. Maybe it is her back that gives her trouble. It might also be that she is worried about my father who is failing every day. Maybe she is worried about her old days. But I tell her, we will always be there to take care of her. She tells me she knows that. But I can read her face. I think she is slowly getting tired. I think she is done planting rice for the landlords. I think she is tired sealing the leaks on her roofs.”