Hope Never Leaves Kathmandu
“I take medicines regularly. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don’t. Visiting the doctor has become like visiting the community well. An everyday affair. What can I do? Maybe I did not have the capacity to endure. It is difficult when relations become strained, in families, between husband and wives. The years of love do not return. They just become memories. Thoughts that hold no meaning. I was happy once. I still try to be. They say I have everything. Sons, daughters, a place to live, some money in the purse. “Why are you depressed?” is the only thing they will know how to ask. I don’t know the answer. I just am. I did not wish it upon myself. And I do not want this for anyone, not even for my worst enemies. I just tell my sons and daughters to let go. I tell them not to dwell on things. To take it easy. Run, walk, smile, sleep, eat and love. Depressed or not, we still die one day. And if you try long and hard, happiness does return. Hope never leaves. We leave.”
Stories of Nepal x Health Foundation Nepal