Prema Chaudhari Gadhawa, Dang
(Part 3/3) “What broke my heart was the fact that my husband was leaving home to find work in Benaras. I just had my son and after the operation, I was not well. I did not have money. All he left was the 500 rupees note. I would buy a kilo of rice and cook in sparingly. There was no help. My in-laws learnt that my husband had gone to Benares. They assumed he was sending a lot of money to me. They were cruel to come and demand the money I never received. I cried alone at night and wiped my tears alone. I just wanted my husband to come home. And God listened to my prayers. After a few months, he came home. He came home with a harrowing story. He had been duped by his friend into doing illegal work in Benaras. He told me he had run away and returned home because he did not want to continue such trade. With him back home, my hope returned.
I got well. I talked to the community members and some sirs and madams who helped me with a sewing kit. I started my own little tailor. Finally, after all the struggles I had my own thing going on. I could see money at the end of each day. That also lessened my husband’s frustration. He saw that he could support me by staying home and looking after our son. He saw that he could also start a small trade. So with the savings from my sewing, we were able to open this store. People come and go and pick up things. Some pay in cash and some promise to pay after some time. We trust them and offer them what we have. When I ask them for the money they do bring it to me. I am happy to help.
My husband has also started a bicycle workshop and he looks happy. We have our own little place to call home, our son now goes to school and we both earn and plan for the future together. I am happy. There is still a lot of hope in me. I don’t know where we would all be if I had no hope in me.”
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