Can we hit you with this water balloons?
Only if you answer my question correctly.
Why do we celebrate Holi?
“Because Holika, the sister of Hiranyakashipu, the Asura (demon) died this day. She had a magic shawl that would prevent her from burning in fire. Hiranyakashipu wanted Holika to take his son Pralad to the fire so that he would burn to death. Pralad even though born of a Asura was a devout of Bhagwan Vishnu which his father detested. When the time came and Holika took Pralad to the fire, Pralad came out alive but this time Holika’s magic shawl didn’t work and she died instead. Bhagwan Vishnu saved Pralad. That is why we celebrate holi.”
And I run.
– Met them in Khokana, Lalitpur