What do you want to be when you grow up? “A helicopter pilot.” Why? “My brother was really sick. The village shaman could not treat him. He could not walk and he would throw up everything he ate. I loved him and would cry to see him like that. I was really afraid I was going to lose him as my relatives would say that he would not make it. Someone suggested that he needed to be treated in the hospital before it was too late. That is when my father decided to call the helicopter. It came in no time and I watched it fly away with

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my brother. After a few days I heard the sound of the helicopter coming from behind the hill and I ran towards it. As it landed, I could see my brother come out of it. He was walking very slowly and seemed week but I could see that he was ok. The pilot came up to me and said, ‘You’re brother is well now. You can start playing with him in a few days’. From that day I have been telling my parents that I want to be a helicopter pilot.” – Santosh Lama, Jagat, Gorkha

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