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(Part 2/3)”…It is difficult to see the wounds of the heart than the wounds of the body. What kinds of words do you use to explain yourself? I could never express myself fully with anyone for a long time. The people who were supposed to be my family became the ones who tortured me. Back then when we met and fell in love we spoke of common dreams. We spoke of the future. There was hope in my life. I felt I had found someone who I could rely on and someone who could provide for me and the children I was to bear with him. But my wishes were unreal.
After the deaths of my infants, my in-laws started taunting me by bringing up my caste in everyday conversations. “You are a daughter born of a different caste, so that is why you are the way you are, worthless and useless, to yourself and to your husband. What good will you do living when you could not even save your own infants?’ I kept on listening to these harsh words. I kept on drinking my own tears. Where was I to go? I could not go back to my father and mother. They are old and probably waiting to get over this life. I do not want to shorten their lives by appearing in the doorstep to become a burden. My husband was no support for me. “
SoN X Apeiron in Nepal