Dai, where are you coming from?
“From the river, fishing.”
Catch any?
What are you going to do?
“Go back tomorrow.”
What if you don’t catch any tomorrow?
“Then there is day after.”
Where is your village?
“1 hours walk from here.”
How long to the river?
“1 hour from here.”
So you travel 4 hours everyday to fish?
“Yes almost. I return home fast when I have a descent catch because I am in a hurry to please my family. Other days I just return home slowly.”
What do your children say when you return with fish?
“They become happy. They compare the sizes and gather around their mother until its cooked.”
How do you feel?
“To see them eat full stomach, I feel at peace.”

(Karna Bahadur Kumal, Batdada 6, Arghakhachi)

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