Chandra Mohan Thakur Aurahi 2, Dhanusa
“I am good at Maths. I have liked the numbers from when I was little. Even though I am not a little kid anymore, I still love counting marbles. But counting money is my favourite thing to do. I think that is why my father leaves the shop to me when he sees me idling. He knows that I will not return more or take less for the goods bought or sold. One of these days, I will also have to tell father what inventory to keep. He keeps buying things that are slow to sell. You see, he is a simple farmer and not a clever businessman. But not to worry. I am keeping track of the profits and losses for him already. And slowly, I will help him expand his business so he can start saving some more. You see I will not be able to join college to become a civil engineer until he saves some money. So I have to be farsighted so that my dreams come true.”