“We moved here, in this land, because the landslide after the earthquake took our house. Recently, we started a small shop here, selling tea, alcohol, noodles and rice. Because I was not sent to school, I cannot even write my own name. And it is hard for me to calculate the prices of the goods I sell. When the customer leaves, I am always left wondering, ‘Did I return more money, did the person take advantage of me, or did he pay less?’ I feel sad after that. I wish I had the opportunity to go to school, and if I had, then maybe things would have been easier. I want my children to have a better life than I did. I want them to go to school and be educated and for that I am my husband work day and night. The dreams of my past never came true. Today, all of my dreams, the ones I see in my sleep and the ones I see when awake, are only for them.” (Pejingma Khumbuwa, Barun, Hatiya 5, Sankhuwasabha)