Lakpa Dorje Sherpa Gadi, Sankhuwasabha

“We were Shamans from old times. When father died, it became my responsibility to follow in his footsteps. But I really didn’t want to become a shaman. I wanted to do something normal. Maybe just become a farmer and go to school. But every time I brought up school, Father would start playing his drums and chanting his spells. He would say I was possessed. So I became depressed and I became mad. I did not recognise people and places and sometimes I walked around the river banks without clothes. One day a girl came to me and gave me Mugwort to eat and some water. She asked me to chew on the Mug-wort and drink the water. I did and I was cured. I put on my clothes and went home and told my father, I will obey him. That day there was a big celebration at home. Father sacrificed a goat and a chicken and I ate full stomach after a long time.”

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