“When I first saw my sister, she was already 10. I didn’t even know her name. I felt sad and happy at the same time. Raised in prison and an orphanage, away from society and a loving family, she was different than my other three sisters, quite and very awkward. With the permission of the orphanage, I took her on an outing to my village with a condition that she was to return after somedays. We tried to make her happy. We danced and sang. Finally I was together with all my sisters but it disturbed me to see how she was very timid and shy and wouldn’t smile and play like the other children. There was very little I could do except give her all my love. When I dropped her off at the orphanage and as she walked away, she looked back and with what I thought was a smile, said, “Dai, will you come take me home this Dashain?’ ” (Sujan Tamang, Batase, Sindhupalchok. Met him in Thamel, Kathmandu) (3/3)

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