“I remember the first day of college, when I entered the classroom. The moment everyone saw me the entire class went silent. Everyone was looking at me and looking at each other. Few whispers here and there. They had a look like they had seen a ghost. People stare at me for how I look but they don’t know what inside of me. It used to trouble me a lot but now it doesn’t really bother me because I am comfortable with who I am.”

What are your dreams?

“I want to work for a NGO, supporting people who live in poverty. I want to make them aware that the life of happiness is also a reality. And change is in their own hands. And suffering is not only the way of life. I also want to aware people who are like me that every challenge is also an opportunity.”

– Katyani Lama, Met her in Bhotahity, Kahmandu

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