“The principle, vice principle and a student representative officer walked into our classroom and warned us that boys and girls should not be sitting together and that it was against the college’s regulations, which I thought was stupid. I didn’t say anything then. The next day I was a bit late for class and my teacher started yelling at me. I told him that I didn’t really have a problem with him but that I found some of the rules unacceptable, especially the one prohibiting girls and boys to sit together. His answer to me what that if boys and girls sit together then the boys will not be able to concentrate on their studies. He even went further and said that they will not be able to control their lust and that he spoke from his own experience. I didn’t see a point in arguing with him but everyone in the college knew that he had ran off with someone else’s wife.”
– Asmita Khana, Chabel, Kathmandu.