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(Part 3/3) “My husband abandoned me. He left me with me at the mercy of his family. I do know where he went. Although I have found out that he has been talking to his mother, he has chosen to stay away from me and his son. And my mother in law refuses to tell me about his whereabouts. After all, she never took me as a member of the family. I was an outsider, a ‘lower caste’ who came from poor parents. I did not bring any riches nor any furniture so maybe that could have upset her. My children live in fear as she drinks heavily. My sons refuse to let go of me even for a minute because they know that they will get a beating from their grandmother in my absence. If it was not for my sons, I think I would have gone mad. I do not know where I would be. My heart has turned into a stone. Maybe it is good it has because if I wallow in my own despair I will not be able to take care of them. Recently I have left my husband’s home. I took my sons with me. They beat me to dust and I had no other option than to seek help from the police. After all these years of torture, it is strange that my husband’s family pretend to be good people around the community that has rallied behind me. But they show their true face as soon as they leave. I am still waiting for my husband to show his face and give me his decision. To tell me his truth and help me raise the children. If he has found another woman with a beautiful face and money, he is free to leave. I just want him to show up and decide. I just want him to come to see me once. I just want to be free.”
SoN X Apeiron in Nepal