Pinki Malik with her son Janakpur
“At home, I could never learn how to weave baskets. Father and mother both worked as janitors. They left me at home to take care of my brothers. After I send them to school, I would spend all day doing house chores. I would prepare rice and vegetables for my brothers when they came home running and hungry. I also had to make sure that they left some for Father and Mother. I did not want to cook twice. So that is how I learned cooking. Not because I wanted to but because I had to. And that is why I could never go to school. I got married 2 years ago. My son just turned one and because he becomes sick often I stay close to him. My in-laws are helpful as they have taught me to weave baskets which I do when this one goes to sleep. And it fetches me some money for little things for my son. My son is my everything. And I want to spend my life taking care of his health and education. Maybe someday, he can leave for a cleaner place where there are no diseases and live a better life.”