“After the harvest season is over, I am out of work. And it is not my land I work for. It is for the landlord’s of the village. The rest of the time, I find anything I can do. Even a little bit of money, a hundred here, a hundred there is a lot for us. My husband stays at home and looks after the children. He had gone to Punjab to find work but his fate did not want any good for him. He fell off a roof and broke his leg and shoulder and he cannot do much. It was very difficult for me and my mother-in-law to look for money because his employer did not bear the expenses for his treatment. So we went around collecting donations from household to household. We sent all the money for his treatment and now he is back with us, which is good. The bad is the flood which took away all the grains that we had collected and the house we lived in. But we all have to live, where do we go to die leaving behind these kids…” (Muniya Devi Sada, Kanchanrup 6, Saptari)