Something that arose from my wanderlust, my passion in photography and listening to stories has grown into something I do full time now. I travel to different districts in Nepal and meet with everyday people and talk to them and listen to their hopes, happiness, sadness, sorrow and aspirations, which I share here through the Facebook page and SON’s website. These conversations are sometimes snippets of what the storytellers share with me and sometimes summary of the entire dialogue. Sometimes these conversations last for a few minutes and sometimes the stories come from spending hours with the storyteller. All of these conversations are recorded and I listen to these recordings and translate it to english to the best of my ability. These stories are only shared after the consent of the storytellers. I just felt a need to let you all know as you all are a part of my journey in understanding Nepal and her beautiful people. Also, I would like to thank you all for your encouragement through comments, messages and emails. You are SON.

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