“When I was kid, my mom would frequently ask me to run to the mill to grind cumin seeds. On one occasion, the store keeper waived the fare and handed me Rs.10. I felt he was far too kind. I went home happily and told my mom what had happened and showed her the Rs.10. A few weeks later I had to pay the mill another visit with spices. I was looking forward to it. As I entered the mill I was welcomed with a smile by the same kind storekeeper who had given me the Rs.10. He asked me to follow him to where the machines were. He took a seat and asked me to sit on his lap. And so I
did. The next thing I know is he had his hands in my pants. I somehow managed to wrestle, fell off his lap and I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Every now and then I pass the same mill to wonder if the storekeeper is still around. The thought that he might be gives me goosebumps.” – Ravi Kumar (name changed for anonymity)